Skate Canada’s registrant fees for the upcoming 2024-2025 season remain unchanged from 2023-2024 and will continue to be in the amount of $28.00. The Section registrant fees for 2024-2025 have been confirmed and are as follows: SECTION SECTION REGISTRANT FEE NL $25.00 PE $25.00 NS $28.00 NB $35.00 QC $28.00 ON $28.00 MB $25.00 SK […]
2023-2024 Coach Registration Webinar: Save the Date!
Sign up for the 2023-2024 Coach Registration and in Good Standing Status live webinar to be held on Tuesday, August 15 at 20:00 (ET). Recommended for all coaches, this webinar will provide an overview of all registration requirements, how to obtain a registered coach in good standing status, and glance at the Coach Dashboard. […]
Mid-Season Checklist!
The 2022-2023 skating season is well underway for most Skate Canada clubs and schools and it’s a good time to check that you have not missed any important steps or procedures. Is your club registered with Skate Canada? This step is critical to ensure you are eligible to run Skate Canada programs, you are covered […]
2022-2023 Registration Information for Clubs, Schools and Coaches
2022-2023 Registration opened August 17! Coaches: Starting August 17, 2022, log into the Membership Site and click on “Coaching”, which will be your Coach Dashboard. To be considered as a coach in good standing, you must confirm that all expiry dates show a date in the future and that the NCCP status is valid. If this is not the case, […]
Reminder: Club and Skating School Music Use (Entandem)
Clubs and schools may receive a remittance request directly from Entandem. Clubs and schools may disregard the remittance request for regular program sessions. Skate Canada has negotiated reduced rates for all Skate Canada Clubs and Skating Schools for music use during regular sessions. Clubs and schools are invoiced directly by Skate Canada through annual registration, which Skate Canada remits to […]
Officials Screening
As of September 1, 2021 all officials must be in good standing prior to attendance at their first assessment day or competition. This includes having completed the NEW: Screening requirement – screening done through the company approved by Skate Canada and must show a status of “Clear”. Refer to the eligibility to officiate for the […]
First Aid Expiry during COVID – Update
To accommodate the various phased-in approaches across the country, Skate Canada is providing a further extension for coaches to update their first aid requirements. Coaches whose first aid certificates expired during COVID-19 (after March 2020) will have an extension period until June 30, 2021 to update Skate Canada with a valid first aid certificate. Extension […]
Coach Eligibility Tool
Coaches must be in good standing prior to instructing at a club or skating school. All club and skating school administrators have access to the Coach Eligibility Tool through the Membership Site. In addition to the Coach Eligibility Tool, a coach’s NCCP status must be verified by following the onscreen instructions from the coach eligibility screen. From the […]
Are you in good standing?
Welcome back Coaches and Choreographers! As we return to the ice, we ask that you please verify your Coach Dashboard and ensure that your status shows in good standing. Being in good standing confirms that you have the proper credentials and insurance coverage to coach in Skate Canada clubs and schools It is your responsibility […]
Attention clubs and schools: Please note that the online registration system has changed!
Based on your feedback, Skate Canada has been working to improve the online registration system to make it easier and quicker for clubs and schools. The revised registration system, which will be released later in August, will allow you to register new and returning members faster, create program participant list reports and link coaches with […]