Officials Screening 

As of September 1, 2021, Skate Canada implemented a new screening requirement (BackCheck) for all officials.  You must complete this process successfully to remain eligible to officiate.   All BackCheck screenings are valid for three (3) years. Accordingly, many will be expiring in 2024 and require renewal. Skate Canada recognizes the time and effort given on […]

Brand Marketing Toolkit

Dear clubs and skating schools, In our ongoing efforts to strengthen Skate Canada’s brand identity and promote skating across Canada, we are pleased to supply clubs and skating schools with the 2024-2025 brand marketing toolkit. The toolkit includes assets to help clubs and schools market themselves and their programs as well as documents to guide […]

Researchers invite Skate Canada members to participate in a survey about the impact of vision impairment on figure skating performance

A team of researchers is assisting Skate Canada with the development of the sport of adaptive figure skating for skaters with vision impairment (low vision or blindness). The researchers have developed an online survey to begin to understand how figure skating performance is affected by vision impairment and to identify the skaters with vision impairment […]