The 2023-2024 skating season is well underway for most Skate Canada clubs and schools and it’s a good time to check that you have not missed any important steps or procedures.
Is your club registered with Skate Canada?
This step is critical to ensure you are eligible to run Skate Canada programs, you are covered by insurance, and you are eligible to submit assessments for your skaters! To register your club or school click on “Organization Membership” under the “Org Management” tab on the Membership site. Once under the Org Management tab take a moment to ensure the proper people have administrator access for your club and click on “Organization Administrative Access”.
Have you ensured all your skaters are registered with Skate Canada?
Double checking all your skaters are registered ensures they are covered by injury benefit should an accident occur and ensures they are properly registered in our system when they take an assessment or compete! To view your registered registrants, click on “Completed Registrations” and use the filter box on the left to view by registration year.
Note: if your club/school uses Uplifter/Amilia you must ensure that you do not have any pending registrations that have not been submitted to Skate Canada.
Have you added participants to all applicable 2023/2024 activity lists under Manage Programs & Registrants?
To register skaters, officials, club board members, or program assistants (registrants) with Skate Canada, they must be added to an activity list.
Add registrants to as many activity lists that are applicable. Registration will only be submitted once per registration year when using the same registrant Skate Canada number.
Note: if your club/school uses Uplifter/Amilia for registrant registration please check within their databases to ensure program affiliation is captured.
Have you submitted all your assessments to Skate Canada for processing?
Club or school administrators may view personal achievements (e.g., skater assessment records) for registrants under Manage Skating Assessments > View Skater Assessment Records.
Note: only your home club/school’s registrant’s assessment records will be available to your club.
To submit assessment summary sheets, click on “Manage Skating Assessments” on the Membership Site.
Have you reported your club’s Board of Directors?
It is a requirement that you register and report your club board members with Skate Canada. Registering your board members with Skate Canada also ensures they are covered by insurance (does not apply in Quebec). It is also important that you report your club’s Board of Directors to Skate Canada and that can be done by clicking on “Group Management” on the Membership site.
Does your club need any assistance in navigating the Membership Site? Please contact us at [email protected]. We hope you are having a successful skating season!