The ISU Technical Panel Handbooks for Ice Dance and Synchronized Skating are now available on the ISU website: Technical Panel Handbook Ice Dance Skating 2022-2023 Technical Panel Handbook Synchronized Skating 2022-2023 Please note that ISU Communication 2501 – Synchronized Skating – difficulty groups of elements, features, and additional features (replaces 2482), is also now available.
2022-2023 Registration Information for Clubs, Schools and Coaches
2022-2023 Registration opened August 17! Coaches: Starting August 17, 2022, log into the Membership Site and click on “Coaching”, which will be your Coach Dashboard. To be considered as a coach in good standing, you must confirm that all expiry dates show a date in the future and that the NCCP status is valid. If this is not the case, […]
NCCP Certification Deadlines
Due to the high volume of NCCP multi-sport modules and evaluation portfolios being requested at this time, Skate Canada is extending the certification deadline from August 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022 for the following NCCP coach pathways. NCCP CanSkate Coach NCCP CanPowerSkate Coach NCCP Regional Coach Please note: The above certification deadline change applies […]