NCCP CanSkate and Regional Practical Coaching  Hours 

Effective since January 1, 2025, CanSkate and Regional coaches are required to complete practical-mentoring hours as part of their certification portfolios. These hours, which can be completed through coaching or as a Program Assistant (PA), are designed to support your development as a coach.  We do understand that many of you many have completed practical […]

Mid-Season Checklist!

The 2022-2023 skating season is well underway for most Skate Canada clubs and schools and it’s a good time to check that you have not missed any important steps or procedures.    Is your club registered with Skate Canada?    This step is critical to ensure you are eligible to run Skate Canada programs, you are covered […]

2022-2023 Technical Clarification # 2 – Difficult Entrance or Difficult Exit Spins

As published in the ISU Technical Handbook (singles/pairs), a clear visible difficult attempt of an entry or exit of a spin will be counted the first time it is identified. If not awarded, subsequent attempts at a difficult entry or exit will be considered as transition and will not count for th level of the […]

2022-2023 Season Domestic and ISU Technical Clarifications

Singles Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile and STAR 6 – Repeated Jump Type The program requirements for Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile and STAR 6 state that only one jump type may be repeated. The jump types are Toe Loop, Salchow, Loop, Flip, Lutz and Axel. For example, a 1T, 2T, 3T and 4T are all part of the jump type […]