At the recent 2022 ISU Congress, the introduction of three Program Components (PCs): Composition (Timing for Pattern Dance), Presentation, and Skating Skills were approved. These PCs will be implemented for all domestic categories scored using the Cumulative Points Calculation (CPC) system. This includes Podium Pathway, STAR, Adult and Special Olympics categories.
In conjunction with the implementation of the new Program Components Skate Canada has reviewed all Program Component factors. This review had two goals:
1. Technical Element Score (TES) versus Program Component Score (PCS):
The percentage that the TES and PCS contributed to the total score was reviewed for all categories and segments with the aim of having them contribute more equally. In general, this resulted in an increase in the weight of the PCs relative to the total score. The following is a summary of the changes:
- Singles and Pairs:
- Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Pre-Novice, Novice, and STAR 5 to 9: the PC factors have been increased by approximately 15%. This represents a 5% to 9% increase in total score.
- STAR 10 and Gold: In the past these levels have used the same PC factors as STAR 5, 6 and 8. This has resulted in a considerable imbalance between the TES and the PCS. Therefore, the factors for STAR 10 and Gold have been increased accordingly and represent an average increase of 19% to the total score.
- Ice Dance:
- Pattern Dance: at all levels there was a significant imbalance between the TES and PCS in pattern dance segments. To reduce this difference the PC factors have been increased accordingly, representing approximately a 10-15% increase in pattern dance score.
- Free Dance: the PC factors for all levels have been increased by approximately 20%. This represents approximately a 7% increase in the free dance score.
- Together, the increases to the PC factors for pattern dance and free dance represent an average increase of 10% to the total score.
- Synchronized Skating: no changes to the PC factors were required for synchronized skating
The resulting increases to total score due to the increased Program Component factors will be important when comparing any scores to previous seasons.
2. Relative Weights of PC Factors:
As outlined in the Skate Canada LTD, the development of foundational skating skills is critical in the Learn to Train stage of development (Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, and STAR 5 to 8 levels). To support this essential aspect of development, the weight of the Program Component Skating Skills has been substantially increased. Additionally, Learn to Train categories (except pattern dance) are assessed using only Skating Skills and Presentation. Composition is not assessed at this level. These changes aim to support the focus on foundational skill acquisition at the Learn to Train level. Pattern Dances will be assessed using Timing, Presentation, and Skating Skills.
As a skater progresses into the Train to Train stage all three Program Components: Composition, Presentation and Skating Skills are assessed.
All Program Component factors are published in the Scoring of Skate Canada Competitions Rule.