Over the past season we have been working to refresh some of our CanSkate material to allow for continued development through to the STAR 1-Gold structure. The refresh aligns with the FUNdamental stage of development within Long Term Development (LTD).
The CanSkate Resource Guide (Manual) has officially been updated and will be available on the Skate Canada Materials Catalogue site by August 23rd. This update has now separated the CanSkate Lesson Plans from the CanSkate Resource Guide into a stand-alone-document to allow for ease of session planning and execution.
The following are reminders and updates for the upcoming 2023 – 2024:
Stations (Fundamental areas):
- Updated Station signs available in the Materials Catalogue. (https://program.skatecanada.ca/product/brand-marketing-toolkit-english/)
- The FunZone station has been replaced with the Challenge Zone. This change was made to encourage coaches to challenge the skaters while including fun, but not necessarily be a “game” every day. For optimal ice usage it is recommended that Balance and Control stations be at either end of the ice and Agility be in the center of the ice. Placing Balance and Control at either end of the ice allows for the easy use of the hockey circles for crosscuts etc. If the hockey circle is too large for some skaters, the coach can make an additional inner circle for those skaters to follow. Utilizing the full hockey circle encouraged the development of power and stride.
- To enhance the development of the skater, circuits should utilize lanes to allow for several skaters or a variety of levels to efficiently use the same circuit. Coaches must maintain and adjust their circuits to the level of skater they are teaching. This could include lanes, redrawing an element etc.
- To ensure quality skill development of all skaters, coaches are to assist and teach skaters individually as they progress through the circuit. In order to provide the best instruction for the skater the coach should position themselves on the circuit at the teaching point or focus of the lesson.
- There are no outer circuit templates after stage 3-4 for all stations. This allows for skaters to use the full width of the ice, and the opportunity to develop more power and speed in their elements.
- For larger groups, or a wide variety of skill within groups of skaters the circuits now outline 2 starting points – listed as “A” and “B” – on the Leson Plans and Circuits Resource Guide.
- Updated terms for program descriptions and requirements, along with the transition from the term “Skill” to “Element.”
- New element names are now being introduced;
- Example: Giant Slalom, C Step, S Step. 1-ft sit glide
- Various Element requirements have been up updated to reflect varying skill levels from skaters. These requirements are also now reflected in the Circuits and Lesson Plans Resource Guide, which are printable and portable to rink-side.
- Example: One foot jump from forwards to backwards – Only need to pass one jump but must train all four jumps.
Updated Resources:
- CanSkate Resource Guide
- NEW! CanSkate Lesson Plan and Circuit Resource Guide
- CanSkate Element Descriptions and Requirements
- Element Signs
- Music mp3 file
- CanSkate Colouring Incentives
- Report Cards
- Marketing/ Promotion Materials