Fee Increase 2023-2024

As most of our clubs and skating schools are winding down for the season, we want to congratulate everyone on another successful skating season and provide you with some important information regarding next season’s fee structure.
Skate Canada’s mission is to be a leader in the delivery of quality skating programs and continuously develop champions. In order to achieve this goal, it is critical that quality programs are developed and executed by Skate Canada, our clubs, skating schools and coaches. This is facilitated in part, through the collection of a fee from all those who participate. The registrant and coach fees are shared between Skate Canada and our Sections in carrying out our respective objectives.
A commitment to good governance and financial responsibility is at the heart of what we do. Skate Canada has worked hard to reduce costs and other expenditures to keep skating accessible but like other organizations over the last years we have been impacted by external factors beyond our control. Given these impacts and in order to accomplish our collective goals, Skate Canada would like to advise of the following fees changes for the 2023-2024 registration season:

Registrant Fee Changes:

  • Skate Canada Registrant Fee: The Skate Canada portion of the registrant fee will increase to $28.
  • Section Registrant Fee: The Section portion of the registrant fee will increase to $25.
  • Safe Sport Fee: Creating a safe and inclusive environment remains a priority for Skate Canada and the cost to support this program has increased significantly without a fee increase since the program’s inception in 2016-2017. The Safe Sport fee will increase to $5 per registrant

Skate Canada Registrant Fee effective September 1 2023

2023-2024 Registrant FeeManitoba and OntarioQuebecRest of Canada
Registrant Fee – National Portion$28.00$28.00$28.00
Registrant Fee – Sectional Portion$25.00$25.00$25.00
Safe Sport Fee$5.00$5.00$5.00
Injury Benefit Charge$0.70$0.71$0.65

Club & Skating School Fee Changes:

  • Insurance: Club and skating school insurance will increase to $62.00.
  • Directors and Officers Insurance: Clubs (excluding Quebec, as the province carries its own D&O for its clubs) will pay $147.20 for directors and officers’ insurance.
2023-2024 Club and Skating School FeeRest of Canada ClubsQuebec ClubsSchool
D&O Insurance**$147.20$-$-

All except for the “Fee” are cost recovered items

* Insurance is General Liability, Excess General Liability, and Sexual Abuse

** Director and Officers Insurance. Quebec clubs are charged under a provincial plan and therefore are not charged a recovery fee by Skate Canada

Skate Canada Coach Fee effective September 1 2023

2023-2024 Coach Registration FeeUnder 65Over 65
National Portion – Coach Fee$93.60$93.60
Section Portion – Coach Fee$23.40$23.40
Safe Sport Fee$5.00$5.00