The ISU has published Communications 2148 and 2164 which contain important technical information for Ice Dance related to the following and to take effect for the 2018-2019 Season:
ISU Communication 2148:
- Pattern Dances for International Competitions
- Music Requirements for Pattern Dances for International Competitions
- Rhythms or themes, Required Elements (including Key Points and Key Point Features for Pattern Dance Elements) and guidelines for Rhythm Dance
- Required Elements for Free Dance – Junior/Senior
ISU Communication 2164:
- Calling specifications and Levels of Difficulty for Required Elements
- Marking guide for Grades of Execution of Required Elements
- Marking guide for Components for Rhythm Dance and Free Dance
- Deduction Chart – Who is Responsible – Rhythm Dance and Free Dance
- Marking guide for Components for Pattern Dances
- Explanation of Symbols on the Judges Details Per Skater
- Correction to Key Points for Tango Romantica
- Rhythm Dance rhythms for 2019-2020
For all of the items above, additional information related to Skate Canada events and elements specific to these events will be published in Skate Canada Technical Requirements Guides and Scale of Values Tables.