2022 Skate Canada Synchronized Skating Championships Entry Quotas

Per competitions rule 11.2 the total entry quotas for Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships are determined as follows:

Selection of Entries from Regional Synchronized Skating Championships

The final result in each regional Event will determine the competitors eligible to enter the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships.

  • Teams that place first in Novice, Intermediate, Open, Junior and Senior categories at regional Qualifying Events qualify to the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships
  • For every 15,000 Registrants in the region, an additional team may be entered into each Category at the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships. The number of Registrants will be determined by the Registration Year of the year preceding the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships. For the 2021-2022 season only, the Registration Year used will be 2019-2020.
  • Each team placing in the top five at the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships will earn its region an additional entry into the respective Category at the Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships the following year. For the 2021-2022 season, the 2020 Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships will be used

Total Entry Quota by Region for 2022 Canadian Synchronized Skating Championships:

Atlantic (NL, PE, NS, NB)11111
Quebec (QC)66755
Ontario (ON)77686
Prairie (MB, SK)11111
Mountain (AB/NT/NU, BC/YK)33333